Duck in plum sauce

Duck in Plum Sauce Recipe

Duck in Plum Sauce - Spicy


Prep : 30 Minutes

Cook : 50 minutes (includes time taken to make homemade jam)

Serves : 2-4


2 Duck breasts

1 tablespoon Oregano 

8 Small tomatoes 

250g Courgette

250g Red/Yellow bell pepper

½ Red onion

1 teaspoon Paprika

For the Jam:

2kg Plums 

1 tablespoon Cinnamon

2kg Sugar



Oregano in a Planter with White Background, Buy Oregano Plant Online | Season Herbs

This tantalising duck in plum sauce recipe is a must-try for culinary explorers who find joy in sampling daring and adventurous meals. Featuring the gamey richness of duck which pairs wonderfully with the sweet and tangy plum sauce, this dish is a flavour roller-coaster that titillates the palate. Its decadence is only heightened by the accompaniment of Oregano roasted vegetables. The robust earthiness of these vegetables, roasted to perfection and dusted with aromatic oregano, is an excellent contrast to the bold, intense flavours of the duck. They add a comforting, grounding element that balances the overall dish. 

Our Duck in Plum Sauce Recipe:

  1. Cut the plums in half and remove the stone, then place in a saucepan and boil in roughly 200ml of water until the plums are soft but not falling apart.
  2. Next, add the sugar to the saucepan, plus the cinnamon, and stir until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Keep stirring as things come to a boil.
  4. Test if the plum jam is ready by putting some on a spoon and leaving it for a few minutes to see if it sets. If it does, then leave the rest of the jam to set. If it doesn’t, then keep cooking and test again until it does.
  5. Marinade the duck in plum sauce/jam and melted butter, then add black pepper and paprika. (Let it sit overnight in the fridge for the best flavour.)
  6. Chop up your vegetables and pick some Oregano leaves, lightly roast in some oil for a few minutes.
  7. Cook the duck all the way through, then place it on top of the vegetables and roast until ready to serve.


Looking for what to serve with duck in plum sauce?

We recommend a teaspoon of fresh jam on top!

Looking for herbs for duck?

The rich flavour of duck pairs well with a number of herbs for garnish. Here are some that are commonly used:

  • Sage
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Parsley

Enjoy! With every bite, you'll find the savoury succulence of the duck harmoniously blending with the sauce's fruity depth, while the herby and slightly sweet undertones of the Oregano roasted vegetables provide an additional layer of complexity. This combination of contrasting yet complementary flavours makes this duck in plum sauce recipe an amazing culinary adventure that is sure to impress.

Duck in plum sauce

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